Thursday, August 16, 2012

Borderlands 2 Introduces Tediore Firearms Commercial

By now you're likely aware that Borderlands 2, just like its predecessor, will feature about a kabillion and one different guns to put holes in, fry, electrocute or explode your enemies. Also like the first game, Borderlands 2 will feature firepower from various manufacturers, like Tediore. Speaking of Tediore, Gearbox has now launched a commercial to familiarize consumers with the benefits of their particular brand of boom-stick.

In the original Borderlands the various gun manufacturers did little more than give the firearms a slightly different look or color scheme. Which company's guns you were using didn't really make much of a difference to the end result of bad guys losing the ability to breathe.

In Borderlands 2, each manufacturer's guns will become known for various advantages and weaknesses, as well as offer the player some loyalty boosts for sticking with a particular company. Here's the animated commercial for Tediore, highlighting the reload speed for this particular line of guns.

Yeah, this is a fantastic idea. What's the point in having different gun makers tied to the countless firearms if it doesn't actually have an impact on the weapons themselves? Now you'll know that sticking with a certain manufacturer will grant you less kick, greater distance or, I don't know, more explosive rounds? Since Tediore is only one of the many gun makers in Borderlands 2, it's probably a safe bet we'll see similar commercials for the other companies leading up to the game's Sept. 18 launch.
