"Yesterday’s 100,000 Annual Pass-holder beta-test invites ran through the night, and we’re still in the process of notifying the invitees by email," reads a dev post on the Battle.net forums. "Those selected for yesterday’s wave of invites should all have the Mists of Pandaria beta client available for download through Battle.net account management, and they should all receive the email notification by end of day today. If the beta client shows up for you in Battle.net account management, you don’t need to wait for the email in order to download the client and begin testing."
Like the 100,000 invites sent out on Thursday night, this new wave is for Annual Pass members. The Annual Pass is a year-long commitment to WoW. Other perks of the Pass include a free digital copy of Diablo 3 and an in-game mount for WoW called Tyrael's Charger.
If you don't have an Annual Pass, you'll still be able to get into the beta. You simply need to set up your Beta Profile Settings in your Battle.net account. However, only Pass holders are guaranteed access and they'll get in quicker than players without a Pass.
The beta for Pandaria started last week. Currently testers have access to the starting zone for the new Pandaren race. They can also copy over their characters from live servers and test out the new talent system. The level 85-90 content featured in the expansion will be made available later on in the beta
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